Food for thought – Mom.City A mom's journal Tue, 17 Oct 2023 17:52:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 158698723 Balancing It All: Tips for Working Parents Tue, 17 Oct 2023 05:26:07 +0000 Being a working parent is like juggling a dozen different balls at once. From managing a demanding job to volunteering at your child’s school, shuttling them to after-school activities, finding time for exercise, self-care, preparing dinners, and keeping up with appointments, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I gathered a list of some practical strategies and with a dash of time management, we can successfully balance it all or at least try to make it less hectic.

1. Prioritize and Plan

The first step in achieving balance is to set clear priorities. Take a moment to identify what matters most to you and your family. This might include your job, your child’s education, your health, or quality family time. Once you’ve determined your top priorities, create a schedule or to-do list that reflects them. To us, this includes opting out of some activities during the week or on weekends to have more family time and get together instead of constantly running from one activity to another!

2. Efficient Time Management

Efficient time management is essential. Use tools like calendars, planners, or apps to schedule your day and stick to it. Allocate specific time slots for work, school activities, exercise, self-care, and dinner preparations. Having a structured plan will help you stay on top of everything. My motto has been: If it’s not on my calendar, it’s not happening. We also created a shared “family” calendar with a family email where all the school and kid stuff go to. Anything that is a related to the whole family also goes there so we’re all on the same page.

3. Delegate and Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks when possible. Whether it’s enlisting your partner, family members, or hiring help for specific chores, sharing the load can reduce your stress. Remember, it’s okay to ask for assistance when you need it. They used to say it takes a village and we’re missing this village. I created my own little village with trusted friends I can lean on for various things or anything! And they sure can lean on me. It does make all the difference!

4. Streamline Meals

Cooking doesn’t have to be a time-consuming affair. Plan your weekly meals in advance, and some might consider batch cooking on weekends. Crockpot meals and one-pot recipes can be lifesavers on busy weekdays. Involve your kids in meal prep to make it a fun family activity. Honestly, my savior has been FreshPrep in British Columbia! If you use this link: you’ll get a credit of $42 (and I’ll get $15). I can’t explain to you the difference this made! We chose 4 meals a week for two people but found it enough for 2 and a 6 year old. It’s also healthy and takes away the planning of am I eating enough veggies, is my plate balanced, etc. As for cost, we found it better in terms of how groceries now have skyrocketed and we don’t need to go often to the store and therefore, don’t buy things we don’t need just because they’re placed on a certain shelf under a certain spotlight 😉 #guilty haha

5. Exercise with the Family

Incorporate exercise into family time by going for walks or bike rides together. This way, you can stay active while spending quality time with your children. Additionally, many gyms offer childcare services that can allow you to work out without worrying about your kids. Consistent short walks with the kids can also be the answer not only for exercise, but also mental well-being. Especially if you have easy access to a park or nature.

6. Self-Care Is Non-Negotiable

Don’t neglect self-care. You’re better equipped to handle the daily chaos when you’re well-rested and rejuvenated. Schedule “me-time” for activities you enjoy, whether it’s reading, taking a bath, or pursuing a hobby. A counselor might also be a good idea to schedule once a month. I take some of my me-time during “daddy-daughter” time! Win-win-win!

7. Say No When Necessary

While it’s important to be involved in your child’s school and activities or social gatherings, it’s equally important to know your limits. Don’t overcommit yourself. It’s okay to say no or take a step back when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Saying no or “maybe next time” is a good practice to prioritize yourself. Follow the trend of JOMO: Joy of Missing Out. lol

8. Embrace Technology

Leverage technology for convenience. Use meal delivery services, online grocery shopping, and educational apps for your child. These can save you time and energy. Knowing how you can benefit from technology and how to avoid its side effects is your best ally. For example: now while we watch Bluey (who doesn’t!), after every episode my kid tells me what she learned and o tell her what o learned. We use it as entertainment and a learning opportunity. and sometimes we connect it to daily life situations.

9. Carve Out Quality Family Time

Quality time with your family is precious. Make an effort to disconnect from work and screens during designated family hours. Create traditions and special moments that your child will cherish. Ours are things like a game (or two) of chess, movie nights, Lego, a walk, a visit to the library, etc.

10. Practice Flexibility and Forgiveness

Finally and most importantly, remember that it’s okay to have days when things don’t go as planned. Be flexible and forgiving towards yourself. Perfection is not the goal; balance and well-being are.

Balancing work, family, and self-care is an ongoing journey. It’s normal to have moments of imbalance, but by implementing these strategies, you can navigate the challenges of being a working parent with more confidence and grace.

Remember, you’re doing an incredible job, and finding balance is achievable with the right mindset and support. We’re in this together!

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Growing Up, Grown-Up Nonsense, and Embracing the Kid Inside Sun, 15 Oct 2023 15:04:00 +0000 Hey there, fellow grown-ups! Remember when we were carefree kids, and the word “grown-up” seemed like a distant land, far, far away? Well, it turns out, being a grown-up isn’t as glamorous as it sounds. In fact, it’s all a bit…BS.

For me, the real “growing up” didn’t kick in until I hit my thirties. And then, boom, parenthood landed on my doorstep. It was like someone hit the fast-forward button on life. Why the sudden rush? Maybe because the world in 2016/2017 looked a little crazier than usual, with hatred out in the open. I had to toughen up, and I wasn’t even remotely prepared for it. But that’s life, right? You’re just going along, and suddenly the world gets smaller, darker, and, frankly, less hospitable. How did we end up here?

But then, my little one started growing up, and I decided to hit the pause button on “being a responsible adult.” No work, just pure quality time with her. And it was an eye-opener. Watching her tiny, unapologetic self was like time travel. She said “no” without hesitation when she didn’t want something, took her sweet time in the bathroom, and made friends by simply walking up to another kid. It was a lesson in going back to our primal selves.

I thought, “Hey, I want in on this!” So now, I’m all about saying “no” when it doesn’t align with my desires, taking my time in the bathroom (no more rushing, please), and savoring meals without making a fuss about every dropped piece.

On our way to school or work, if my little rebel isn’t in the mood to venture out, I shout, “Me too!” and I mean it. Who decided we have to do all these grown-up things anyway? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little whine and not be judged for it? Because, really, we don’t have to be tough all the time.

Now, my favorite questions are directed at my mini philosopher: “What do you think?” “Why is this like that?” “Want to jump in that pile of leaves?” “Sleep in my bed or yours tonight?” I crave her perspective, intelligence, and curiosity, and I’m not alone. We all need a little more of that in our lives. It’s time to shed the grown-up facade and jump into muddy puddles or dive headfirst into a pile of autumn leaves. So what if the other grown-ups call us crazy? After all, who decided we had to be all serious and composed all the time? Let’s dance in the middle of the road because, why the heck not?

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Nurturing Young Minds: The Importance of Teaching Critical Thinking and Questioning Everything Sat, 14 Oct 2023 08:10:18 +0000 In a rapidly changing world where (mis)information is more accessible than ever, the ability to think critically and question everything is a vital skill. It’s not just about having answers; it’s about knowing how to ask the right questions. This is why teaching kids to be critical thinkers and encouraging them to question everything is essential for their intellectual growth, personal development, and success in the 21st century.

  1. Fostering Independent Thinkers

Critical thinking empowers children to think independently. By teaching them to evaluate information, analyze arguments, and assess evidence, we equip them with the tools to form their own opinions and make informed decisions. This skill is invaluable in an age where they are bombarded with information from various sources.

  1. Developing Problem-Solving Skills

Critical thinking encourages children to view problems as challenges to be solved rather than obstacles. When they learn to question everything, they become adept at breaking down complex issues into manageable parts, finding solutions, and thinking creatively. This problem-solving ability will serve them well in all aspects of their life.

  1. Enhancing Decision-Making Abilities

In an era filled with choices, teaching kids critical thinking helps them make wise decisions. They become less susceptible to peer pressure and more confident in their choices. Encouraging them to question the motivations behind different options allows them to make decisions aligned with their values and aspirations.

  1. Encouraging Curiosity

Children are naturally curious, and nurturing this curiosity is essential for their cognitive development. Encouraging them to question everything not only satisfies their curiosity but also promotes a thirst for knowledge and a lifelong love of learning. This curiosity fuels their intellectual growth and prepares them for a future where adaptability and continuous learning are crucial.

  1. Preparing for the AI Age

The internet and digital technology have transformed the way we access and share information. Teaching kids critical thinking and the importance of questioning everything helps them navigate the AI landscape responsibly. They can distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources, identify bias, and protect themselves from misinformation and fake news.

  1. Strengthening Communication Skills

Critical thinking goes hand in hand with effective communication. Kids who question everything tend to be better at articulating their thoughts, defending their opinions, and engaging in constructive discussions. These skills are not only valuable academically but also in building strong interpersonal relationships.

  1. Fostering Empathy

Critical thinking encourages children to consider multiple perspectives and understand different viewpoints. This empathy is essential for a harmonious and inclusive society. It enables them to appreciate diversity and work effectively with others, contributing to a more compassionate and understanding world.

Teaching kids critical thinking and the importance of questioning everything is an investment in their future. It empowers them to be independent thinkers, problem solvers, and responsible citizens. Moreover, it fosters curiosity, prepares them for the challenges of the 21st century, and nurtures their empathy. By instilling these skills from an early age, we equip the next generation with the tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world and make a positive impact on society.

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Ramadan with Jenna Fri, 31 Mar 2023 17:48:43 +0000 Get ready to embrace the spirit of Ramadan with Jenna’s 30 Good Deeds! This month-long celebration is a time of generosity, reflection, and fasting for Muslims around the world. If you’re looking to spread kindness and make a difference, join Jenna on her journey and share your stories with her in the comments. Let’s dive into some heartwarming acts of goodness:

  1. Chalk it Up: Grab some sidewalk chalk and write a note that will make someone smile. It could be an inspiring quote or a simple message of positivity.
  2. Helping Hand: Extend a helping hand to a friend in need. Whether they need assistance with homework, chores, or just someone to listen, your support will mean the world to them.
  3. Sandwich Surprise: Whip up a delicious sandwich for a family member or lend a hand in setting up the dinner table. Extra brownie points if you do both!
  4. Parental Appreciation: Leave a heartfelt thank you note for your parents. Express your gratitude for their love, support, and everything they do for you.
  5. Compliment Bonanza: Spread the love by giving three genuine compliments to your friends or family members. Let them know how special they are to you.
  6. Smile Galore: Brighten up everyone’s day by sharing smiles with friends and family. Remember, a smile is contagious!
  7. Trail Clean-Up: Take a stroll on a nearby trail and pick up any trash you find along the way. Help keep our environment clean and beautiful.
  8. Planting Joy: Plant a seed or a tree. Watch it grow and flourish, just like the kindness in your heart.
  9. Lights Off: Make an effort to turn off lights in rooms that aren’t being used. Encourage others to do the same and save energy.
  10. Toy Donation: Spread joy to those in need by donating toys to a charity. Your gently-used toys can bring happiness to other children.
  11. Paws for Kindness: Show some love to our furry friends by petting an animal. Their wagging tails and purrs will melt your heart. Visit a local shelter.
  12. Special Bond: Take a moment to tell someone how special they are to you. Your words of appreciation can brighten their day.
  13. Door Holder: Practice good manners and hold the door open for someone. A small act of kindness can make a big difference.
  14. Share the Joy: Share a special toy with a friend. The joy of playing together is priceless.
  15. Tidy Up Time: Surprise everyone by cleaning up your room without being asked. A tidy room means more space for fun and relaxation.
  16. Knowledge Sharing: Teach someone something new. Share your skills and knowledge to empower others.
  17. Homemade Love: Get crafty and make a homemade gift for someone. A personalized present shows thoughtfulness and love.
  18. Contagious Smiles: Smile at everybody you meet. Your smile can brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity.
  19. Food for Thought: Donate food to a local charity or offer it to a homeless person. Fill their hearts and bellies with nourishment.
  20. Patience Prevails: Practice extra patience while waiting for something or someone, all with a smile on your face. Patience is a virtue!
  21. Bookworm Vibes: Share a book recommendation with your friends. Let them know about a book you’ve enjoyed and why they might love it too.
  22. Active Listening: Practice good listening skills throughout the day. Give your full attention to others and show them that their words matter.
  23. Skill Support: Help a friend, sibling, or family member learn a new skill. Your guidance and encouragement can unlock their potential.
  24. Teacher Appreciation: Write a heartfelt note to a teacher who has made a positive impact on your life. Let them know how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication.
  25. Water Wisdom: Save water by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth. Every drop counts!
  26. Feathered Friends: Spread kindness to our feathered friends by feeding the birds. Watch them enjoy their meal and feel a sense of connection with nature.
  27. Friend Appreciation: Take a moment to tell your friends what you like about them. Celebrate their unique qualities and the joy they bring to your life.
  28. Community Gratitude: Say thank you to a community worker—a police officer, firefighter, nurse, or any other person serving the community. Their efforts deserve recognition.
  29. Living Room Love: Tidy up the living room without anyone asking. Create a cozy and inviting space where everyone can gather and enjoy each other’s company.
  30. Kindness Always: Above all, remember to choose kindness in every situation. Let kindness be your guiding light, spreading love and positivity wherever you go.

Join Jenna in these 30 good deeds and make this Ramadan a month of kindness, compassion, and joy. Share your experiences with her and let the world witness the power of small acts of goodness. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter world for all.

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Friendships Mon, 01 Apr 2019 23:13:55 +0000

Ah, friendship, that’s a topic that never gets old. Well, maybe it sounds cheesy, but hear me out—it’s actually pretty important. In fact, it’s dangerous territory!

Over the years, I’ve become more mindful of who I let into my inner circle. Sure, I make plenty of connections, but true friends? Those are a rare breed. It’s not about being picky, but rather about finding peace of mind.

Lately, I’ve distanced myself from people who don’t align with my values. It’s crucial for my family and me to surround ourselves with friends who possess these qualities:

  • Positive; they have a positive look at everything and everyone; they’re emotional sometimes but always see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Respectful; they don’t judge others, they don’t gossip about others, and always say something nice or nothing at all. They also respect animals and the environment.
  • Supportive; we lift each other higher, not push ourselves down. In bad times, in ideas, in new ventures and plans or even weekend plans! We encourage each other to be better in every way.
  • Add value to our lives, be it a book they’ve read, a thought they came across, a new idea that is too crazy and will change the world!
  • Non-materialistic; My husband and I are trying to live a minimalistic life, at least compared to our circle. We fail many times, especially with a toddler girl with a tendency to be materialistic (haha! it’s true!) We try, and it’s important to have people around us who don’t run after things and keep stacking stuff because they’re cheap or nice.
  • Confident and independent, having lived abroad for some time, we became very independent in the sense that we don’t wait for anyone’s approval of who we are or what we choose to be. It’s essential to surround ourselves with not high maintenance and not looking for reassurance of our friendship or love every second. We can be different, which definitely adds to our friendship and does not take away from it.

As much as it’s important to surround yourself with people with the above traits, it’s also important to stay away from people who are the opposite. No one wants negativity in their lives, even if it comes from the closest person to you. I don’t want to hear who did what because I’m busy with what I want to be and do and what my kid wants to be. It’s not easy. Actually, it’s tough to resist these people because what they are is easy and fun! But also momentary and not productive.

The next time your friend is negative or judgmental or not respectful or supportive, tell them to stop. Help them and yourself to be better. Lift yourselves higher.

I’m thankful for old friends and new, those who taught me to be better by setting an example and their support and encouragement.

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Back to the future – Being a mom Tue, 19 Feb 2019 16:01:20 +0000

In 2016, I was told that the symptoms I was having were not actually food poisoning. I was expecting a baby! I travelled a few years to the future and decided to be better, healthier, more positive, less judgmental, and friendlier to the environment. In this blog, I will talk about my journey of becoming a mom, walking away from negativity, applying healthy practices to my family’s daily life, our travels, and the steps I take to be gentler to the environment.

None of the above is easy unless you take a step. Once you do, it’s smooth sailing as long as the motive is strong. Mine is my faith and my baby. Things that cannot be changed and can only grow stronger with time.

Here is what I do to achieve my goals:

  • Set achievable goals with a timeframe.
  • Discuss these goals with my husband
  • Prioritize them
  • Break every goal into steps and milestones
  • Start working on every step.

Some milestones have dependencies; for example, if my goal was to be healthier, I need to learn about nutrition and reading labels. Of course, learning doesn’t end, so I make changes along the way.

Getting your partner’s support is important because there are times when you need support more than usual, and there are goals that affect your family’s life and future. It’s crucial to have their buy-in from the beginning.

Welcome to my world…

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